Short Course schedule for XPS and CasaXPS training: click here

A Casa Software product

Computer Aided Surface Analysis for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (CasaXPS) has been written for those who routinely work with XPS, AES, SIMS and more. CasaXPS offers user-friendly data processing for anyone with a Pentium PC running Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Millennium, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. XPS data from all the leading manufacturers can be imported into CasaXPS for powerful data processing.

Data is imported into a standard format, and can then be processed in the same manner, independent of which instrument was used to obtain the data. In fact, data from different instruments can be overlaid and compared. The results of the data reduction are tabulated and made available in a convenient format for pasting into Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. Spectra can also be copied and pasted into reports and presentations.

Some Powerful Features:

If you would like to try out a free demonstration version, you can download it or email John Grant


The demonstration version is fully operational, except you cannot export data or save files.

The file size is approximately 4 Mb.

Ordering information:

John T. Grant

48 Windward Is

Clearwater, FL 33767


E-mail: John Grant



Email me for prices in US$


CasaXPS Manual (approximately 400 pages)                 US$ 40.00